Studies have shown that the people who regulate their emotions the most effectively, do so the least often. And, those who don't regulate their emotions well, spend the most time doing so. Why is this?
It turns out that you people regulate people's emotions. There is a biological basis to this. Your body will physically react, in a good way, to the presence of someone else. It may be as simple as sharing, talking, sitting together, walking, etc. Studies have shown that people literally perceive the world differently when in contact with another human . For example, hills are perceived as less steep when the test subject was holding a friends hand. Pretty neat! It follows that if you are having a hard time with how you feel, with life, with regulating yourself, it may turn out that you aren't all that good at regulating your emotions. The fix? Socialize, build friendships, build into family, and relate! You may have to make a point of it. It doesn't make much sense to be a rock, an island, a loner. It makes more sense to intentionally build relationships. This, in turn, will provide you with support and decrease the amount of energy you put into self-regulating.